Thursday, September 1, 2022

Olive-backed sunbird

This is also known as the yellow-bellied sunbird which is found from Southern Asia to Australia.
The underparts of this bird is bright yellow and the back is dull brown in colour. The forehead, throat and upper breast of the adult male is dark or metallic blue-black. Its bill is long, pointed and curved. It feed largely on nectar, and will also take insects.

Crimson sunbird


This is a bird in the sunbird family. The male is bright red with a dark gray or white belly and iridescent blue cap.   Its bill is curved which is an adaptation to its nectar feeding. It has been unofficially announced as Singapore’s national bird by the Nature Society Singapore.
This bird is a lover of nectar. It also ate insects, especially when feeding its young ones.


These birds are native to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. This is a medium-sized bird in the family of mynas.
Starling looks black at a distance but when seen closer they are very glossy with a metallic sheen. It has strong legs, short tail, pointed head and triangular wings.
They eat insects and fruit. These birds nest in holes and lay blue or white eggs. The speciality of this bird is that it can imitate sounds of other birds or animals.

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